Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Programmatic choice of select statements and the Next operator

Occasionally I’ve had situations where using a while select statement to loop through a set of records and needed the fields used in the selection criteria to be dynamic or the entire selection statement to be chosen dynamically based on arguments passed to the method.  A simple example would be for a set of logic to sometimes act on a group of records but other times act on a single record.  Dynamics AX X++ offers a slick way of dealing with this that is used in the standard application code but is still pretty obscure.  The following method demonstrates using a variable select statement based on passed in arguments and using the NEXT keyword to move the record set forward.  In this example we’re just outputting the Item ID to an info log but you could get much more creative….

void SelectNextSample(salesID _salesID, inventtransID _inventTransID = '')
    salesLine salesLine;
        select salesLine 
            where  salesLine.SalesId == _salesID
                && salesLine.InventTransId == _inventTransID;
        select salesLine
            where salesLine.SalesId == _salesID;
        next salesLine;

I realize that the above is a simplistic example but it does demonstrate the ability in X++ to determine at run time the exact select statement that will be looped through against your Common object, although in reality the above example does not require variable select statements at all, a bad example in practical use but does show the general construct.  Below is another example, again very simple output of an info log but the variance in the select statements is greater, here it is a difference of acting logic on all sales lines with particular item ID vs. just sales line with the given item ID for a specific warehouse.   In the case below the content of the inventDim source is not needed in the logic portion of the code so when criteria restriction on inventLocationID is not needed we can have a simpler selection statement.   We could enjoy the same dynamic flexibility at run time using a query objects but the point here is to really demonstrate the use of the Next operator with variable selection statements.

void SelectNextSample2(itemID _itemID, inventLocationID _inventLocationID = '')
    salesLine salesLine;
    inventDim inventDim
        select salesLine 
            where  salesLine.itemID == _ItemID
        Join tableID from inventDim
            where  inventDim.InventLocationId == _inventLocationID
                && salesLine.InventDimId == inventDim.inventDimId;
        select salesLine
            where salesLine.ItemId == _itemID;
        info(strFmt('%1, %2', salesLine.SalesId, salesLine.ItemId));
        next salesLine;

Friday, October 22, 2010

Workflow setup error on Event Log name

Here is a new one for me…
I was setting up workflow at a client and it finished with error, (that parts not new). The new part was the following message in the log…
            An error occurred during setup of Workflow.
Reason: Only the first eight characters of a custom
log name are significant, and there is already another
log on the system using the first eight characters of the name
given. Name given: ‘Microsoft Dynamics AX Workflow',
name of existing log: 'Microsoft-Windows-EventCollector/Operational'.
Workflow was left in a partially installed state.

Odd because the first 8 characters of the log name are in the word Microsoft and there are already two other event logs starting with the name Microsoft.

Some searching with the old internet took me to the following post…

They offer a good description to the why and how to get around the issue by renaming the exisiting logs in the registry while you run the setup.  Below are screen shots of the Registry entries, as always ensure you know what your doing if you go into the registry and make appropriate backups …


Item import from CSV file made easy (Kinda)

The job below uses the axInventTable class to create items from a CSV file.  We gave the client an Excel file with columns identified for them to fill in  for new items they wanted then saved that without the header to a CSV file.  This job reads in a CSV file then uses the axInventTable class to create the new Item.  The axInventTable class manages all related tables for us.  If you look at the code below, you can see through this class we can easily set values in the related tables as well as the main inventTable record.  In the below job you can see we used a mix of values read from the file, and values hard coded, you can easily add fields to your import file to incorporate into the creation of your item as you need them.
One thing to be aware of is if Item templates exist AX will try to find the default Item template to use when it does the initialization of the tables.  If there is not a default template it will use the first template found. This is easy enough to work around, just create a new item with minimal fields set and make a template from that item and set it as default using the SysRecordTemplateTable form.
Note: As a side note Atlas 4.0 appears makes use of a similar process for item imports and has the same issue with the Item Template described above.
//-JobStart -->
static void GL_ItemImport(Args _args)
    axInventTable axInventTable;
    inventTable inventTable;
    itemID itemID;
    textBuffer tb = new textBuffer();
    int cnt;
    int numLines;
    int c;
    container inLine;
    Dimension finDim;
    itemType ItemType;
    tb.fromFile('C:\\items.txt');  //File name  with Path ...
    numLines = tb.numLines();
        for(cnt = 0; cnt < numLines; ++cnt)
            inLine = str2Con(tb.nextToken(true));
            if(conpeek(inLine, 1))  //first field item ID don’t do anything if blank ....
                axInventTable =  new axInventTable();
                axInventTable.parmItemId(conPeek(inLine, 1));
                axInventTable.parmItemName(conPeek(inLine, 2));
                axInventTable.parmNameAlias(conPeek(inLine, 3));
                axInventTable.parmItemGroupId(conPeek(inLine, 4));
                axInventtable.parmItemType(str2enum(ItemType, conPeek(inLine, 5)));
                axInventTable.parmModelGroupId(conPeek(inLine, 6));
                axInventTable.parmDimGroupId(conPeek(inLine, 7));
                axInventTable.axInventTableModule_Sales().parmTaxItemGroupId(conPeek(inLine, 13));
                axInventTable.parmPrimaryVendorId(conPeek(inLine, 14));
                axInventTable.axInventTableModule_Purch().parmPrice(ConPeek(inLine, 15));
                //Set financial dimension
                finDim[2] = conPeek(inLine, 18);
                axInventTable.axInventTableModule_Purch().parmUnitId(conPeek(inLine, 20));
                axInventTable.axInventTableModule_Sales().parmUnitId(conPeek(inLine, 21));
                axInventTable.axInventTableModule_Invent().parmUnitId(conPeek(inLine, 22));
                axInventTable.parmBOMUnitId(conPeek(inLine, 22));
        info(strFmt('Imported %1 Items', c));
//-Job End <--

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ledger Journal Import, General Journal

Importing from a CSV file to create a Ledger journal, we make use of the aX classes here and they simplify our work a lot compared to managing the tables directly.  The data being imported below is minimal; but the code should give you a good example of how to work with additional fields.

//Job Start -->
static void GL_GJImport(Args _args)
    textBuffer tb = new textBuffer();
    int cnt;
    int numLines;
    int c;
    container inLine;
    boolean first = true;
    Dimension finDim;
    amount amount;
    LedgerJournalACType LedgerJournalACType;
    ledgerJournalName ledgerJournalName;
    journalID JournalID;
    axLedgerJournalTable axLedgerJournalTable;
    axledgerJournalTrans axLedgerJournalTrans;
    LedgerJournalType JournalType = ledgerJournalType::Daily;
    tb.fromFile('C:\\sampleGLImport.csv');  //File name  with Path ...
    numLines = tb.numLines();
        for(cnt = 0; cnt < numLines; ++cnt)
            inLine = str2Con(tb.nextToken(true));
            if(conpeek(inLine, 1) && !first)  //first field don’t do anything if blank
                if(!JournalID) //Create Journal Haader
                    select firstonly ledgerJournalName
                        where ledgerJournalName.JournalType == JournalType;
                    axLedgerJournalTable = new axLedgerJournalTable();
                    axLedgerJournalTable.parmName("Journal Description");
                    JournalID = axLedgerJournalTable.parmJournalNum();
                //Create Trans ...
                axLedgerJournalTrans = new axLedgerJournalTrans();
                axLedgerJournalTrans.parmAccountType(  str2Enum(LedgerJournalACType, conPeek(inLine, 1)));
                axLedgerJournalTrans.parmAccountNum(conpeek(inLine, 2));
                axLedgerJournalTrans.parmOffsetAccountType(  str2Enum(LedgerJournalACType, conpeek(inLine, 3)));
                axLedgerJournalTrans.parmOffsetAccount(conpeek(inLine, 4));
                finDim[1] = conPeek(inLine, 6);
                finDim[2] = conPeek(inLine, 7);
                amount = conpeek(inLine, 5);
                axLedgerJournalTrans.parmAmountCurCredit((amount > 0 ? abs(amount) : 0));
                axLedgerJournalTrans.parmAmountCurDebit((amount < 0 ? abs(amount) : 0));
            first = false;
        info(strFmt('Imported %1 Items', c));
// Job End <--

Acct Type
Offset Type
OffSet Acct
USA Oper

USA Oper